Book: Stop being awkward - Lily Hannan,Matthew Zemanek
Book: Stop being awkward - Lily Hannan,Matthew Zemanek
Editorial: LIFE TEEN
Author: Lily Hannan,Matthew Zemanek
Type of Product: Book
Format: Flexible
Pages: 71 pages
Language: English
Size: 5 1/2 x 9 In
In Santa María del Monte,catholic bookstore, our goal is to evangelize and our products help us to do so, that is why we present you the book "Stop being awkward"this resource focuses on a lighter,but important,side of youth ministry and other ideas to help prepare teens to receive the Good News through authentic and fun relationships,interested in fostering community?Want to help your Core Members.enter into relational ministry?Ever have something go wrong and need to stall? Reed this! Pass this out! Your Core Members will thank you.Find it in our section of English Section or Libro section,and help us carry the message of Christ!Be part of Our Mission!
¡Our products speak for themselves!
* This resource focuses on a lighter, but important, side of youth ministry and offers ideas to help prepare teens to receive the Good New through authentic and fun relationship.